Friday, June 7, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Component 2

a) I Jesse Murillo, affirm that I completed my independent component that represents 30 hours of work.

b) Platt, Charles. Make: Electronics. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, 2009. N. pag. Print

c) Independent Component 2

d) I successfully completed my second electronic components kit that allowed me to create a small, but effective alarm system.


I have actually worked extremely hard on these experiments and spent a good deal of money on some of it too. But it was well worth it since before I got these past two kits there was no way i could ever do any of the things I can now. I knew literally nothing about wiring circuits and creating devices until I did this. Now, I can actually say that I can install a smaller less elaborate alarm system than ADT, but hey it works and it has contributed greatly to my product of my whole senior project. Which is a better knowledge and understanding of how electrical components do and what they can be used to accomplish. Below are just a few picture of what I accomplished with this.


This component helped me to find my last answer, which involves testing and proper boat design. This component actually relates back to that a lot because of how much I went through with this. I had to constantly test individual parts of my alarm system because sometimes if I connected things incorrectly, the light wouldn't flash or the speaker would make noises its not supposed to or no noise at all. One time I actually couldn't stop it from going off because I didn't lay everything out the way it should have been so that the circuit could open and close. The troubleshooting I learned from this helped me do the same types of things with the boat.

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